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A time for change...

Matt Mason

It is safe to say that this year is not what anyone expected. The health crisis that hit the world has forced many of us to re-evaluate where our priorities lie. I for one have had to endure a major shift in my vision for the future.

For roughly a decade I practiced my art on the side while I made ends meet in the hospitality industry, the side career for many creatives. I practiced my craft all the while, filling sketchbooks and studying software so that one day I may make the shift into a position that would benefit from my skills.

Well, in March the virus truly hit America and I was furloughed from my bartending position at the Four Seasons. What could have been seen as a bad situation, I quickly realized that this was the time to truly chase my dreams. I bought a computer, hunkered down in quarantine and started online courses learning 3d Modeling. I have always had a passion for sculpture and this was my chance to pursue that love in a contemporary format.

Over the past 4 months I have been learning Maya, Zbrush and substance painter with the goal of creating a portfolio so that I may apply myself to becoming a concept artist and modeler for games, movies and advertising.

I’m not sure where the next few months will take me, but I am excited to be learning new things while we watch the world change. Although I do miss the interaction of bartending its time to fully embrace myself as an artist and designer; and take the leap into a new career.